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8th. Annual MES Golf Tournament

Golfing may be the excuse, but the real raison d'etre for the annual MES golf tournament is the opportunity it provides the Montreal Estonian community to get together in large numbers during the height of summer.

Guests and friends are always welcome and this year was no exception, with several new and first time golfers. See also the MES Golf Tale (The Wodehouse View) on the MES website.

The eighth annual event on Friday, August 2, 2013 carried on the tradition splendidly as 48 golfers and guests from further afield shared a day of social conviviality highlighted by stress-free golfing, relaxing libations and a multi-course dinner interspersed with awards and gifts for all the participants. Except for the myriad balls lost in the woods, water and in one case, absconded with by an angry duck, all was fair game for the golfers.

As usual, the weather cooperated, being sunny for most of the day, though a sudden thunderstorm towards the end of the afternoon did catch a few of the late-starting golfers in a torrential downpour for a few minutes. But happily, the sun came out again, just in time for the group photo.

MES president Karl Raudsepp acted as emcee for the awards portion of the dinner and thanked the numerous sponsors and volunteers who helped organize and staff the tournament, many of whom have been helping out since the first event. A special thank you goes to the EFC, and to the gentleman who hauled the A Le Coq cases to our tournament, all the way from Toronto.

And the winners in the Best Ball tournament are:

Lowest Team Score (6 under par): Greg Halpin, Paul Lemay, Matthew Raudsepp and Kendra Schissler.

Second Lowest Team Score (1 under par): Riina Klaas, Anu Nerska Sheridan, David Sheridan and Vello Taal

Third Lowest Team Score (even par): Geraldine Mickie, Claudette Allard Saunders, Geoff Saunders and Bill Williamson.

Most Honest Team Score (81): Dieter Degen, Rein Maasik, Enn Raudsepp and Jaan Raudsepp

The Most Accurate Drive (female): Geraldine Mickie
The Most Accurate Drive (male): Karl J. Raudsepp.

The closest to the pin Pedriks Prize went to first time participant, Matthew Pearce.

The Putting Prize: Greg Halpin

Jaan Altosaar, dressed in matching socks and suspenders over colorful Bermuda shorts, won the judges award for the Most Fashionably Attired golfer. The prize for Best Headgear went to Indrek Romet and the winner of the Youngest Golfer Prize was Cameron Stuart.

Photos can be viewed at:
(under Photo Gallery – Golf 2013)

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