Režissöör kutsub harjumuspärasest maailmakäsitlusest piiluma perekond Sõnajalgade kolmedimensioonilisse maailma. Kes neist identsetest kaksikutest on Siiri, kes Viivi, kes Oleg ja kes Andres? Millised nende innovaatilised projektid on toimumas sellel väikesel saarel ja mida toob see kaasa põllupidajale? Eesti elu kogu tema mitmekesisuses.
Mysteries and incongruities form part of daily life in an idyllic village on the island of Saaremaa: UFO's, viking skeletons as well as Estonia's version of ABBA, the Sõnajalg family, and dealing with their wind-generators and black helicopter. This film challenges accepted world views by peeking into the goings-on of the Sõnajalgs. Which of the identical twins is Siiri and which is Viivi, which one is Oleg and which is Andres? What are their innovative projects on this small island and how do these impact on traditional life? A microcosm of Estonia with all its facets!