Film “Vabatahtlikud” käsitleb just neid Soomlasi, Rootslasi ja Taanlasi kes tulid Eestile appi. Kangelaste hulka kuulub ka Aino Mälkonen kes oma soo tõttu tõrjutakse Soome sõja rindelt, kuid kes võltsib oma eesnime passis meheks “Aimo”, ajab juuksed maha ja tõttab rindele, Eestimaale appi.
Estonia became a sovereign nation after its War of Independence (1918-1920), a war fought against Communist Russia to the east and forces loyal to Germany to the south. Military reinforcements for Estonia came from White Russians, Latvia and the UK. But lesser known is the aid of volunteer soldiers from Finland, Sweden and Denmark who joined Estonians in their fight and “Vabatahtlikud” focuses on this latter group. Among the heroes is Aino Mälkonen, a Finn who changes her name, cuts off her hair and joins the Estonian frontlines in battle in a man's uniform.