Telli Menüü

Meet the New MES President Grete Mugu

Grete Mugu was born in Tõrva in southern Eesti. At the age of 19 she moved to Germany in order to learn German, met future husband Nick, and together they landed in Montreal in 2010. One of the first things Grete did on arrival was to search for local fellow Estonians. This brought her to the MES website and her introduction to the Montreal Estonian community. She quickly became involved in our activities, and soon after became a member of the executive.

A competitive runner in her teenage years, these days Grete is a busy mom to Henry, 7, and Logan, 9. In the little spare time she has, Grete loves to do the Estonian crosswords that her mother sends her from Eesti. Her entire family likes spending time at Lättemäe and on weekends you can often find them there.

When the position of MES president became vacant at the end of 2019, the executive was unanimous in its support of Grete for the job. Her high energy, super organizational skills and network of contacts among younger Estos in Montreal bring a new vitality to the MES.

It has been a challenging first year for the new president. Despite this year’s pause due to Covid-19, Grete has still chaired numerous online executive meetings and overseen the upkeep of Lättemäe. She is looking forward to the time when the MES can resume its activities. Her goal, she says, is to bring together multiple generations of Estonians and their friends, both in Montreal and at Lättemäe.


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