I think it’s easy for many of us to spend the day behind a computer (especially if that’s your job, too) and Google the answer to most questions that pop into our heads. I guess my goal with teaching and working with young people is to keep them away from their devices for long enough to wonder about how or if something can be done and to actually go out and try it (e.g. watch leaves race down a river, boost friends up to climb a tree, try to walk across a field with your eyes closed, roll down a hill in a straight line).
Is there someone in particular you look up to as a teacher? If so, what have you learned from them to use in your own career and activities?
The best teachers I had were those that gave us challenges, just for the sake of challenges. An element of competition can make it fun, but if the challenge is creative, as well as challenging yourself to do more than last time, the reward is……
(Read more: Estonian Life No. 28 2020 paper- and PDF/digi)