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Estonian Central Council in Canada Awards of Merit 2017

February 17, 2017 

The Estonian Central Council board met on February 13, 2017 and decided to recognize five people who have been valuable through their support, assistance and represention to the Estonian community in Canada.

Board members who took part in the decisions were Anne Liis Keelmann, Helgi Leesment, Marta Kivik, Reet Marten Sehr, Mart Leppik, Paul Läänemets, Taavi Tamtik ja Tõnu Altosaar.

Award of Merit will be awarded to :
Robert Kingsep, Victoria (B.C.) ; Brigid (Soide) Zurock, Vancouver (B.C.), Erika Ülle Kessa, Toronto (ON), Eve Järve, Toronto (ON), Uno Roose, Toronto (ON).

Robert Kingsep. Founding member and former longtime president of the Alberta Estonian Heritage Society. His longtime contribution and activity in Alberta Estonian cultural events were instrumental in the formation of the AEHS.

Brigid (Soide) Zurock. Long time active member of the Vancouver and Calgary ( ?kas oli nii taotluses?) Estonian Association involved in the organization of Estonian festivals in Vancouver and assistant editor to the Vancouver Estonian publication ” Läänekaare Postipoiss”.

Erika Ülle Kessa. A longtime teacher with the Estonian School in Toronto. She has taught various age levels and has been an invaluable asset in the education of Estonian youth who continue to be active in our community.

Eve Järve. Has taught in the Estonian School in Toronto for nearly 25 years and also for ten years in the Estonian Nursery School. Her interest in teaching our language and culture to the very youngest members of our community is invaluable.

Uno Roose. Has been an invaluable asset to the Estonian community in Canada as a member of the Kultuuripärandi Selts ( the Cultural Heritage Association) a videographer and cameraman in recording, editing and archiving various lectures and events within the community and especially at Tartu College.

Estonian Central Council in Canada


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