The introductory remarks were from Saras who thanked the honoured guests and the attendees and again remarked how much the ethnic media is impacting the public yet how little advertising revenue it is receiving from the government.
Premier Wynne spoke about the great contribution ethnic media is making to the Ontario scene and how pleased he was to be present.
Mayor Tory reminded the gathering that he had a hand at increasing the scope of OMNI-TV when he headed up Rogers Broadcasting. (The current management of Rogers has been cutting OMNI-TV down.)
Deputy Chief Sloly mentioned he too is a new comer to Canada as he was born in Jamaica.
The Brazilian contingent provided some dancers who livened up the gathering.
As it was a festive occasion nobody got into heavy politics. The only person missing was Prime Minister Stephen Harper but he and the Premier aren't ….
A good time was held by all.
Adu Raudkivi