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Jaan Roos valiti Kanada masterite kuulsuste halli liikmeks

Põhja-Ameerika mastersportlaste kergejõustiku esivõistluste ajal 8. augustil 2012 valiti endine Estonia Masterite Klubi liige Jaan Roos Athletics Canada kuulsuste halli liikmeks. Eestlastest on sinna varem valitud Karl Trei, kelle induktsioon toimus 2011. aastal. Ontario Kergejõustiku Liit Athletics Ontario valis eelmisel aastal omalt poolt Jaan Roosi kiirkäimisega seotud tegevuse tunnustamiseks selle provintsi kuulsuste halli.

Jaan Roos ja June-Marie Provost.

Veteransportlane ei saanud töökohustuste tõttu kahjuks tunnustust isiklikult kohapeal vastu võtta. Ta tegutses aga kohtunikuna 19. augustil Toronto saarel toimunud Kanada-USA noorte kiirkäimise maavõistlusel. Seal tutvustasid ja tunnustasid teda Athletics Canada nimel mastersportlaste osakonna juhataja Brian Keaveney ning mitmekordne masterite kiirkäimise maailmameister June-Marie Provost, kes esitas alljärgneva:


„From the early '80s to 1992, Jaan Roos set 17 Canadian Masters records in M45 and M50; on the outdoor track, the indoor track and the road; and at distances from 3000m to 50K. Those 17 records have yet to be broken, the oldest of them going back to 1982. During those years he also set a Canadian Open record for the 2 hour racewalk. This unparalleled achievement in Canadian Masters Racewalking is accompanied by 3 gold medal performances in WAVA meets in 1983 and 1989, including 2 first overall wins while racing in the M45 category. It was a work-related injury in 1979 that led Jaan to switch from distance running to racewalking. While still at the peak of his competitive career he also began coaching racewalking, helping athletes from beginners to the Olympian level. Other contributions to the racewalk community include starting the Ontario Racewalkers Association; organizing racewalk events including an age-graded meet that now takes place on Toronto Island; and, since 2006, serving as a judge at open and masters racewalking meets. As for his coaching, his goal is to help the next tier of athletes to”improve those of my records that are still standing”. At present those athletes have 17 records to aim for. And there may be more, if Jaan is able to continue his career as an M75 racewalker, thanks to knee replacement surgery in 2011.

For his many accomplishments and contributions we congratulate Jaan, and welcome him into the Canadian Masters Athletics Hall of Fame.”

PS – I greatly enjoyed Jaan's closing remark:”If I ever die, I shall be happiest if all those records are broken by that time.”(Diane Palmason, President Canadian Masters Hall of Fame)”

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