(In Estonian) EstoCast’i teises eestikeelses saates vestleb VEMU (Välis-Eesti Muuseum) peaarhivaar Piret Noorhani doktor Tiina Kirssiga raamatukogudest ja raamatutest tema elus, sealhulgas ka akadeemilistest trükistest ning kirjatööde valmimisest.
(Saatejuht Piret Noorhani)
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EstoCast is a podcast presented by Estonian Museum Canada/VEMU, Estonian Music Week and Eesti Elu/Estonian Life newspaper. In each episode of EstoCast, join us as we delve into another dimension of Estonian culture in Canada, Estonia, and elsewhere. Through discussions of books, music, art, history, science, and more, we discover what it is to be Estonian and what Estonian people have to offer the broader world.