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Estonian students write about why the world needs Estonia

"On the negative side for why the world needs Estonia: Estonia is one of the largest oil shale producers in the world. This is bad because this causes serious environmental problems such as toxic waste and emissions of sulphur, nitrogen and carbon dioxide into our environment."

Independence Day has always been part of the Supplementary School program. This year, Joonas Roose from Estonia was the guest speaker in Erika Kessa’s class. Photo: Kai Kiilaspea
Independence Day has always been part of the Supplementary School program. This year, Joonas Roose from Estonia was the guest speaker in Erika Kessa’s class. Photo: Kai Kiilaspea

There are two big positive reasons I think Estonia is important to the world and what the rest of us can learn from Estonians. First, Estonia is very environmentally friendly with a lot of green space and government initiatives and second, are its entrepreneurial advances in technology.

Environmentally friendly - global warming is a big concern to my generation and I feel that we can learn a lot from Estonia. It is a small country and has many green initiatives, which the government supports, to fix and manage a carbon footprint. Over half of Estonia’s land area is covered by forest, which contributes to high air quality. The World Health Organization ranked Estonia’s air as some of the cleanest air in the world. “According to the 2016 Environmental Performance Index, which ranks 180 countries on how they protect human health and ecosystems, Estonia is the eighth most environmentally friendly country on Earth”. EWR Silver Tambur, 2016 “The government has committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 70% in 2030 relative to their 1990 levels and is aiming to achieve climate neutrality by 2050”. [Source: Invest in Estonia]

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