Referring to official data released by the Russian Central Election Commission (CEC) Vladimir Putin’s sizable victory in the presidential elections on March 18 can be mostly attributed to his vilification by the West, according to Kremlin insiders.
Data from the CEC revealed that Putin won a record 76.67% of the vote with 56 million favouring him. In 2012 he won 63.60% of the vote supported by 45.6 million voters. Serious accusations of election fraud is not likely to detract from his declared triumph or change the current outcome. Any exposure of election irregularities will be rejected as inevitable Western falsehoods by the Kremlin-controlled CEC.
Putin acolytes have offered their conclusions about Putin’s continued popularity: “Our people always unite in difficult times, so many thanks to some leaders of Western states, which I will not name, and which also contributed to the consolidation of our people,” stated Ella Pamfilova, head of the CEC. This type of observation would be unthinkable coming from an equivalent Western official, one who painstakingly must avoid any semblance of favouratism because he/she controls the electoral process, and is known to be absolutely unbiased toward any candidate.
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