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Opinion: The Discomfort of Change

Looking west, to where the sun usually hung, there was a pinkish orange disc. Balanced so precariously between sustaining us and destroying us. The sky was hazy. The air was stifling and polluted. With persistent fires all across the country, this has been the worst wildfire season in Canadian history.

A photo of Toronto's sky during the 2021 wildfires (taken by Designecologist on Unsplash)

Back in September 2022, Hurricane Fiona ravaged Atlantic Canada, displacing 13,000 people and costing nearly four billion dollars in damage. As a new Canadian, it’s disheartening to see how we’ve developed a knack for breaking all of the worst national records.

When I see wildfires, hurricanes, flooding, and other natural disasters expanding their reach, I can’t help but question my usual point of view. That everything’s going to be okay as long as we implement alternative fuels and manufacturing materials. That creative technology will save humanity in time and allow us to maintain our existing lifestyles. The hope I have, seeing all of the clever and thoughtful engineers in Estonia and elsewhere, is diminished by what I observe.

I have had hope that, in this uphill battle, we Estonians will all individually act as caretakers and figure out these challenges. But the thing is, as a society we’re not acting fast enough. And what holds us back is discomfort. No one can point fingers at one another, because it really can be socially alienating and personally difficult to change our lifestyles. For instance, to get rid of your car. To go vegan, which can make dining with others awkward. To not buy products that we enjoy, whether they’re related to our work, hobbies, our homes, or clothing. To not travel by plane.

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