How Global Estonia?
Ongoing networking and communication
Embracing new ideas and necessary change
The Estonian Diaspora Action Plan 2022 – 2025 (Üleilmse eestluse tegevuskava 2022-2025)
(More information about the global Estonian diaspora can be found here.)
The Estonian Diaspora Action Plan was developed over a two year period with input from Estonian ministries and diaspora organizations. Ratified in January 2022, its primary goals include the preservation and growth of Estonian identity abroad and the involvement of the global Estonian community in developing a cohesive Estonian society.
Since the onset of Russia’s war on Ukraine, a strong Global Estonian community has also become a national security priority for the Estonian government. In Canada, we have seen the value of ongoing government lobbying by the Canadian Ukrainian Congress and a cohesive Ukrainian community response. This is soft power at work.
In late May, Estonian World Council members attended a session at Lithuania’s parliament to learn about the Global Lithuanian Lithuanian Strategy and share best practices. Key points that Estonian Central Council in Canada (EKN) delegates took away are increased co-operation with government ministries, including the Ministry of Defence to adapt existing programs and develop strategies for civic aggression in case of aggression. A standing committee with official standing in Estonian parliament is a goal that EKN has been discussing with members of Estonian parliament for the past 5 years. An ongoing challenge for both Estonia and Lithuania is maintaining national identity abroad while fostering the different identities of very diverse diaspora communities.
The process of building a cohesive global Estonian community is a process. A small percentage of Estonians abroad know about the Estonian Diaspora Action Plan and access the resources (including grants) linked to the program. Awareness and numbers have been increasing, including visits to the common information space Generally, Estonians in Estonia have little information about diaspora communities outside of contacts with relatives and friends living abroad.
Two exciting upcoming opportunities for increased collaboration and communication are:
- 2024 Estonian Year of Cultural Diversity – 2024 Kultuurilise mitmekesisuse aasta.
This thematic year will celebrate the ways in which cultural diversity enriches our lives. The Estonian Integration Foundation (Integratsiooni Sihtasutus INSA) is calling on Estonians around the world to join in the celebrations by sharing what unites us through our unique cultural traditions and creating new experiences. These could be past events, initiatives that are in the planning stages or new ones inspired by the theme.
Individuals and organizations are asked to share ideas here.
Although there is a stated deadline of June 30th, ideas will be accepted throughout the summer and fall, and can also be sent to Integration Foundation, Rävala pst 5, 10145 Tallinn, keyword “2024”.
For further information contact
2. ESTO 2025 in Stockholm – Narva – Tallinn prior to next Estonian Song and Dance Festival
Estonian Diaspora Action Plan goals include “promoting a sense of belonging between compatriots and permanent residents of Estonia” and “supporting ESTO 2025”. ESTO 2025 and all future ESTOs in Estonia prior to Estonian Song and Dance Festivals would contribute greatly to the development of mutual belonging and understanding.
Two preliminary meetings regarding location have been held and a final decision will be made July 7th. The Estonian government views the development of Ida-Virumaa region and Narva as a priority and is indicating strong support for Stockholm – Narva – Tallinn ESTO 2025. This idea was first suggested by the lead organizers of ESTO 2019, Sirle Sööt and Ants Johanson. It has the support of EKN, Rootsi Eestlaste Liit (REL), Eesti Organisatsioonide Võrgustik Soomes (EOVS) and Global Estonian Youth Network (ÜENV), which was formed as a direct outcome of ESTO 2019.
Narva is undergoing renewal and has seen rapid change over the past few years. Possible partners and venues recommended by culture minister Heidy Purga and Narva mayor Katri Raik are Greenholm cultural quarter, Narva Museum, Narva art residency, and Narva Opera Days. Funding could be made available from European Union’s Ida Virumaa recovery fund. With ESTO 2025 events in Narva, Estonians living abroad can also make a positive contribution to the revitalization of Ida Virumaa.
There are those, who think ESTO festivals should be held exclusively outside of Estonia. As a successful Helsinki – Tartu – Tallinn ESTO 2019 demonstrated, Estonians are more than ready to meld old traditions with new ideas to create a vibrant global Estonia.
EKN will be organizing a conference in early fall to co-ordinate ideas and support Canadian participation in both initiatives.