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Black Ribbon Day Vancouver 2023

Vancouver Commemorates Black Ribbon Day: Public Event Remembering Victims of Totalitarian Regimes and Supporting Ukraine

The Central and Eastern European communities in Vancouver are proud to announce the annual international commemoration of Black Ribbon Day, which since 2009 has been a Canadian Day of Remembrance for victims of totalitarian Nazi and Soviet Communist regimes 1.

On this significant day, we extend an earnest invitation to the public to join us in remembering the millions of innocent lives lost, and countless others who were deprived of their basic rights and forced to flee their homes and lands.

This year’s Black Ribbon Day in Vancouver will also be dedicated to the people and country of Ukraine who are facing the second year of an ongoing unjust war of aggression by Russia, now recognized by many countries as a terrorist state. We share this sentiment expressed by Prime Minister Trudeau in his August 23, 2022, Statement on Black Ribbon Day:

This year, we also stand in solidarity with the Ukrainian people, who continue to face brutal violence from Russia’s illegal, unjustifiable, and expansionist war of choice in their country. Canada, together with our Allies, and international partners, will continue to support Ukraine and stand up for democracy and human rights everywhere.” 2

The one-hour program will include community speakers, a musical performance by singer Mariia Hahalovska, the reading of a proclamation on Black Ribbon Day from Vancouver City Hall, a dramatic reenactment, and more.

Participants are encouraged to show their support by wearing a Black Ribbon on their shirts and carrying the national flags of Canada and of the participating Central and Eastern European communities.

This event also commemorates the spirit of the August 23, 1989, Baltic Way when some two million citizens of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania joined hands to form the world’s largest human chain across the three nations 3 to show their rejection of 50 years of Soviet Russian occupation, and their determination to become independent, Western democratic states, a goal they achieved soon after.


Date: Sunday, August 20, 2023

Location: Jack Poole Plaza, Vancouver, British Columbia

Time: 2:00 PM

This event is organized by the collaborative efforts of the following organizations and communities: the Central and Eastern European Council in Canada (CEEC), the Canadian Polish Congress British Columbia, the Lithuanian Community of British Columbia, the Vancouver Estonian Society, the Latvian Community in British Columbia, the Ukrainian Canadian Congress BC Provincial Council, the Ukrainian Canadian Advocacy Group.


For media inquiries and further information, please contact:

President of the Canadian Polish Congress of B.C.

Michael K. Dembek


President of the Lithuanian Community of B.C.

Algis Jaugelis

Past President of the Ukrainian Canadian Congress (Vancouver and BC)

Myroslav Petriw,

Vancouver Estonian Society

Aarne Tork

Michael K. Dembek“As a representative of the Polish community, I am humbled and honored to witness the profound impact Black Ribbon Day has in Vancouver. This solemn occasion serves as a powerful reminder of the atrocities endured by countless innocent lives during the oppressive regimes of the past. Together, we stand in solidarity, honoring the memory of those who suffered, and reaffirming our commitment to preserving the values of freedom, democracy, and human rights. This commemoration fosters unity and understanding, ensuring that history's lessons are never forgotten and motivating us to build a more just and inclusive world for future generations.”

Myroslav Petriw “Black Ribbon Day is our reminder of how an alliance of evil between the German Nazi leader Adolf Hitler and the Russian Communist dictator Josef Stalin brought war to Europe and the World. Seven days after signing the August 23, 1939, secret pact to divide Central and Eastern Europe between them, Poland was invaded; and ten days later, Canada joined Western allies in the war for freedom in Europe. Today, the people of Ukraine are once again bravely resisting Russian aggression, this time with the support of Western allies.”

Algis Jaugelis“In 1989, the courageous Baltic Way protest led to Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia breaking free from the Soviet Union to become independent democratic states, an event that continues to inspire freedom-seeking peoples around the world. Then, some two million people joined hands across 700 kilometers in a human chain stretching across their historic borders. At this event, we will invite participants to join hands with one another to show our moral support for Ukraine in its courageous

determination to defeat Russia and the totalitarian ambition of Vladimir Putin.”

Aarne Tork“As we commemorate the victims of Nazism and Soviet communism on Black Ribbon Day, we are reminded that we cannot stand by idly and watch history literally repeating itself in Ukraine—where Russia is trying to erase the Ukraine nation, culture, and people through its brutal, immoral and illegal full-scale invasion. All democratic nations and peoples, including Canadians, must join and fight this tyranny. Together we will win.”




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