The first film, “The Moth”, is a 13-minute narrative short directed by Charlene Fisk from Atlanta and written and co-produced by Leigh Himel, daughter of Merike Kalm from Toronto.
The Moth Logline: Maeve, an aging recluse whose only companion is her late dog's ashes, finds solace in the orderliness of her home and the quietness of her solitary life. However, her peace is disrupted when a rogue clothing moth infiltrates her sanctuary.
The second film, “The Shadow of Dawn”, a 14-minute puppet animation directed by Olga Stalav, hails from Estonia.
The Shadow of Dawn Logline: An incorporeal Shadow takes up a dangerous adventure through a mystical forest, fancy castle, and dream world to save her frivolous owner from a cursed Beast.
Both films will be featured as part of the “What Remains” (International Shorts) program on July 21st at 3.30 PM at the Bell TIFF Lightbox. A Q&A session with various filmmakers will follow the screenings.
For more information, visit the Female Eye Film Festival website here.