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Iga asja peale mihkel: apple picking tips and tricks

As September draws to a close, apple picking (õunte korjamine) season in Ontario is at its peak, offering the perfect way to enjoy the crisp autumn air and celebrate the harvest — a very Estonian way of doing things as we’ve mentioned before.

Photo by Natalie Grainger on Unsplash

For those seeking a cozy Estonian lifestyle, getting out to a farm to pick fruit is one way to do it. It’s part of moving with the seasons and embracing the simple pleasures in a mindful way, from plucking a ripe apple from the tree to savouring the rich flavours of a freshly baked, butter crust pie. In both Estonia and North America, the harvest has typically meant hard labour, but it also signals the coming of a slower, more reflective season where families gather, share, and endure the cold months in each other’s company. Therefore, apple picking is more than just a way to stock up on fresh produce.

And in case you’re seeking out a daytime activity for you and your family or friends, this rustic activity can be undertaken well into early November. So you’ve got some time yet! Here are some things to keep in mind as you head out to the orchard (or into the garden):

Easy does it: Avoid letting apples fall to the ground, as bruising can quickly turn the fruit bad. A gentle twist of the wrist while lifting upward is all it takes to cleanly pluck an apple from its branch. You may even find some orchards provide picking poles, which allow you to reach the highest fruit without damaging the branches. Bring along a sturdy basket or canvas bag to carry your apples while you wander the orchard.

Täismahus artikkel on loetav Eesti Elu tellijatele

Igal nädalal toome me sinuni kõige olulisemad kogukonna uudised ja eksklusiivsed lood uutelt kolumnistidelt. Räägime eestlastele südamelähedastest teemadest, kogukonna tegijatest ja sündmustest. Loodame sinu toele, et meie kogukonna leht jätkuks pikkadeks aastateks.

Hind alates $2.30 nädalas.

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