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The Hon. Eve Adams, Hungarian, now Liberal running hard in the riding of Eglington-Lawrence against Finance minister Joe Oliver

Eve Adams M.P., Hungarian is very aware of the fact that we are kindred spirits of the Finno-Ugric language group is running to be nominated in the riding of Eglinton-Lawrence as a Liberal against Finance Minister Joe Oliver, a Conservative.

Adams used to be a Conservative with cabinet credentials when they re-jigged her riding in Mississauga. Rather than staying in the new riding where she had support, she wanted to move to an adjacent riding where she lived but didn't have political support.
The Hon. Eve Adams - Photo by Adu Raudkivi (2015)

The new riding association however had other ideas for a candidate. Adams, whose fiancé was a special assistant to Prime Minister Stephen Harper expected him to pave the way for her. This was a no-no and the new riding started to raise a media fuss. Her fiancé (Dimitri Soudas) still tried to pull some strings and was invited to leave. Adams was invited to leave the Conservative caucus (or left on her own).

Next thing we know there is a union with Justin Trudeau's Liberals and Adams, who becomes a born again Liberal in downtown Toronto. But that's all right, Adams is a Hungarian.

Adams believes in family re-unification remembering how she was brought up by her grandfather while both her parents worked in the family business.

Nay sayers have suggested that the catch for the Liberals was fiancé Soudas who knows the inner workings of the prime minister's office but he has denied that he will do anything but work on the Hungarian Eve Adams' campaign.

Remember, if you live in Eglinton-Lawrence riding, we need a kindred soul in office.

Adu Raudkivi

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