Looking forward once the project is underway; we will be seeking help from our community. As part of the rezoning process, public consultation meetings will be held. We will be calling on our community to attend these meetings in force to voice their support for the project. At the same time, the design phase will also be initiated. Input from the community during this phase will be critical to the success of the new Estonian House. We hope that the community will support these efforts through attending events and volunteering their time to organize them. Again, please keep an eye out for future Eesti Maja updates as these events are scheduled and are outlined in greater detail.
Please be assured that the Eesti Maja Board is working hard to advance our mandate. The goal is to provide a new facility in which our community and culture can continue to flourish. Years of hard work have brought us to this point, and now we are on the verge of evoking the change that will nurture our community for another 50 years to come. We are excited for the future; we hope our community is as well. If you have any questions or wish to help out, please do not hesitate to contact us by email at emtulevik@gmail.com.