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Estonian Lutheran Church in St. Catharines

St. Paul's Estonian Evangelical Lutheran Church of St. Catharines held its annual traditional "Vabaõhu Jumalateenistus" on June 26, 2016 at he country home of our organist Dr. Gerzinus Hoekstra and his wife Jeanetta, who have welcomed the congregation for 12 years.

Even though it was a very hot day, the Pergola where church was held provided shade as well as the many tall trees. A light breeze contributed also to providing a very pleasant atmosphere. Bishop Taul stated in his sermon that our God has provided us with his handiwork, which is more beautiful than any man-made cathedral.

The gathering was also a celebration of Bishop Taul's 20 years of service to us as our spiritual shepherd. In 1966 our congregation consisted of 115 members and Endel Liho was chairman. Now our membership consists of 20. We have to thank Bishop Taul and Mrs Eneri Taul for their willingness to still travel to St, Catharines so we can hear God's word in our Estonian language, which is so precious to us as we grow older.

When we were satisfied with our B.B.Q.'d sausages and delicious salads, it was time for for Mr. Endel Hert, who was on the executive in 1996, to say a few words about Bishop Taul's 20 years of service. A small token of appreciation was presented to Bishop Taul and a floral bouquet to Mrs. Eneri Taul. Bishop Andres Taul then did the honour of cutting the cake.

It was a wonderful afternoon of relaxed worship and fellowship. Everyone seemed reluctant for it to end. We truly are blessed, to be able to still gather together. May our Lord continue to keep in his care our shepherd Bishop Andres Taul and Mrs. Eneri Taul, the Hoekstra family and our tiny church body.

Viia Virkus Hanright, esimees

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