We are pleased to announce our Board of Directors, and welcome everyone to join us.
President: Väino Keelmann
Secretary: Linda Laikve
Treasurer: Erika Jõgi
We continue to be supported by many advisors and friends of EH.
Should anyone wish to join us or require more information, please contact:
Friends of Estonian House
94 Banbury Rd.
North York, ON
M3B 2L3
Tel: 647-799-1910
We welcome all volunteers and donations to help Eesti Maja.
Donations: Estonian House Improvement Fund #134210. Please add your name, so that we can thank you!
Upcoming workday at Eesti Maja: Sept.9, 10:00 am to 6:00 pm. We will be painting, and renovating the basement kitchen, for which we have been awarded a government grant. Please let us know if you can join us!
Our next Friends Cafe is Sept 16, 9:00 am to 1:00 pm in the EM cafe. We will accept baked good donations that same morning starting at 8:00 am or contact us to arrange a drop-off time.