The rest of the field results are as follows:
Jaak Triefeldt 3 points. Alar Petersoo 2.5 points. Erik Kreem 2.5 points. Don Mosley 2.5 points. Xian Wei Järve 2.5 points. Brendan Munro 2 points. Mikk Mölder 2 points. Ernest Sinko 1.5 points. Mart Tiido 1.5 points. Mai Vomm Järve 1 point.
The tournament proved to be one of the strongest in many years, since most of the games all went to the full 60 minutes of play. A big thanks goes to Mai Kipper from the Estonian Baptist Church who put on a large coffee urn to keep our chessplayers well lubricated during the 5 rounds of chess.
The next active tournament will be in November of this year. If you are interested in playing chess and participating in our tournaments please contact Jaak Jarve at 416-222-9445 or email
Jaak Jarve, Toronto