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Estonian Centre Project Update – Estonian Centre design wins prestigious architectural award

The Nordic-inspired design for the new International Estonian Centre by Alar Kongats has won an Award of Merit by Canadian Architect magazine in its annual Awards of Excellence program.

A total of 14 awards were given to architectural firms and students from across Canada for design proposals that represent innovation and overall design excellence, as well as social and environmental sustainability.

Now in their 51st year, these awards are the highest recognition for excellence in the design stage in the Canadian architectural sector.

Canadian Architect states that “by focusing on commissioned yet unbuilt projects along with exceptional student work, the program recognizes design ambitions and supports an overall culture of design excellence.”

Of the 190 professional and student submissions received for this year’s awards program, the jury selected 7 projects for Awards of Excellence, 4 projects for Awards of Merit, and 2 projects for Student Awards of Excellence.

“We are very honoured to have been chosen to receive this award,” Alar Kongats said. “The design of the new centre represents the hard work and vision of the entire Estonian community, and we couldn’t be more pleased to have it recognized in this manner.”
Taimi and Maali

Alar and his team have created a clean, aesthetically pleasing design that incorporates sustainable elements along with natural materials.

The award-winning projects are described in full in the December 2018 issue of Canadian Architect, available here.

Welcome Centre grand opening at Rahvajõulupuu

The Estonian Centre Project (ECP) merrily opened the doors of its Welcome Centre during the annual Rahvajõulupuu Christmas celebration on Saturday, December 8.

The Welcome Centre, located in the former E-Store near the front entrance of the Estonian House, is a hub of information on the new ECP. A slide show, architectural renderings of the proposed design and other information is available for community members and visitors.

Young creative minds were called on to participate in the ECP Colouring Contest. A number of children took up the invitation to colour a black-and-white outline of the new Estonian Centre, created by architect Alar Kongats.

Stop by the Welcome Centre – it will be open during Estonian House office hours.


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Architect Alar Kongats

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