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A disappointment in new Canadian Cabinet

Ukranian Chrystia Freeland, much to the to the dismay of the East European community, became the Minister of International Trade. East Europeans were of course hoping that she would become Foreign Minister but seriously with only two years in the House (of Commons) this wasn't too bad.

Freeland was an economic writer in the United States, before that she was a writer (originally) with the Ukrainian newspaper which her grandfather had founded. She was active in the economic foundation of the Ukrainian government. Academically she is a Rhodes Scholar (a high academic honour involving a scholarship in a senior English university). She has three children and her campaign manager in the last campaign manager was an half Estonian, Dana O'Born.

Chrystia Freeland - photo by Adu Raudkivi

Perhaps in only a few years and she will be a senior minister.



Adu Raudkivi

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