Lead by Acting Captain Matthew Downes, the crew of four Firemen walked the hundud through their jobs, letting the kids climb into the truck, and even trying to recruit juht nskm Mati Pajo to join their crew by getting him dressed up in the gear!
The hundud learned about the importance of having a family safety plan in case of emergency, and enjoyed holding some of the tools the firefighters use, from special heat sensing cameras to demolition tools used to access people in trouble - although the kids didn’t think they were as heavy to lift as the firefighters warned that they would be!

After the “Põhjakotka” group left, the hundud got to see the crew in action, as sirens blaring, they passed the hundud on their way to a call. Luckily, it wasn’t for any trouble at Peetri kirik, where the hundud came back to in order to finish their koondus.
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