Eleven players entered the tournament with the hope of winning at the “Game of Kings”. Alar Petersoo won first place with 4.5 points. Second place went to Brendan Munro with 4 points, third place went to Erik Kreem with 3.5 points. The games were all of high calibre where many of the games lasted the complete hour in time control.
The rest of the field results were as follows:
Jaak Järve 3.5 points
Mai Vomm Järve 2.5 points
Andy Kõresaar 2.5 points
Toomas Trei 2 points
Mike Laanvere 1.5 points
Martin Tiitmaa 1.5 points
Mikk Mölder 1.5 points
Erik Spirka 0.5 points

The Toronto Estonian Chess Club would also like to thank Arne Roosman for the donated handmade chess pieces carved by his father Axel Roosman in a DP camp in Germany after the Second World War and the chess table built by Gösta Roosman (Axel’s son) and Axel in Sweden and brought over to Canada. Arne Roosman also awarded $100 to the first place tournament winner Alar Petersoo.

Thank you to Mai Kipper from the Estonian Baptist Church, who was our gracious host for our fall chess tournament and who made sure we had hot coffee and fresh-baked desserts throughout the tournament.

The Toronto Estonian Chess Club would also like to thank Toronto Eesti Selts for their event sponsorship.
The next active tournament will be in the early part of 2024. If you are interested in playing chess and participating in our tournaments, please contact Jaak Jarve at 416-222-9445 or email jaakjarve@aol.com