The Baltic leaders also discussed improved engagement and communications with the federal government on important issues and support opportunities.
“We thank the Canadian government for supporting the Memorial to the Victims of Com-munism,” said Andris Ķesteris. “Many of our community members and their families arrived in Canada as refugees, fleeing Nazi and Soviet occupation and repression. We are very proud to have been given the opportunity to make important contributions towards helping build the Canada we know today.”
The Baltic Federation in Canada represents approximately 200,000 Canadians of Baltic herit-age.
“The Baltic communities are an important part of the diverse mosaic of experiences, communi-ties and cultures that binds Canada together,” said Joana Kuras, “it is of vital importance, that we maintain ongoing communications with our government to ensure that our views and expe-riences are also reflected in our national discourse.”
For more information contact:
Andris Ķesteris: