Business directory
Businesses from and close to the community that you can trust.
Real Estate Sales Representative
Rob Saarna (CRA, B.A. Commerce & Economics)
Professional and reliable service for buying and selling real estate.Office: (416) 424-4900 — Personal: (416) 526 2080 robsaarna@royallepage.ca1391 Bayview Ave., Toronto M4G 3A6
lawyer & notary
Enn Allan Kuuskne, B.M., LL.B.
Reception by agreement at Eesti Maja or at the customer's home(416) 480-9582206-20 Holly St. Toronto, ON M4S 3B1
National Handicraft shops in Tallinn
Folk Art Gallery, handicraft goods for sale at 2 locations in Tallinninfo@crafts.eeEesti Käsitöö Maja, Pikk 22 ja Kaarmanni Käsitöö, Vanaturu kael 8
Authentic European Delicatessen
Brandt Food Market
Full Selections of Brandt Meats Sausages, Salami and Hams. Custom Fresh Meat Counter. Expert Butchers. International Cheese Selection. Wide Selection of European Fine Foods.(905) 279-44601878 Mattawa Avenue, Mississauga, ON -
Real Estate Sales Representative
Eha Kajak
Red Square Team (top 1% in Canada)(416) 520 6644 ekajak@rogers.com2320 Bloor St. West, Toronto, ON M6S 1P2 -
insect repellents & insecticides manufacturing & distributing
PiACTIVE™ is 100% Canadian owned and operated. PiACTIVE™ is Canada’s first 12 hour DEET FREE insect repellent. A revolutionary game changer in repellents for TICKS, MOSQUITOES and BLACK FLIES.416-298-7724 kuu@kuu.com450 Tapscott Road, Unit 5&6 Toronto, ON M1B 1Y4 -
Alma Florists
At Alma Florists Ltd. , we deliver fresh and beautiful flowers to your home.(416) 699-9669886 Kingston Rd, Toronto, ON -
Vehicle service & repair
Four Seasons Auto Collision Toronto Inc
Free Estimates. Complete Collision Service. Pat, Mike and Mario.(416) 421-766411 Canvarco Rd, Toronto, ON M4G 1L4
Senior Citizens Planning Service
Eesti Kodu Inc
Suitsuvaba korteriühistu 55+ elanikule.(416) 281-1792 eestikoduinc@gmail.com50 Old Kingston Rd., Scarborough, Ontario, M1E 4Y1
clothing & textiles
(514) 562-3040 sales@alpakashop.ca25 The West Mall, Etobicoke, Toronto, ON -
moving service
Francis Moving Co.
Serving the Estonian community since 1983.(416) 286-3422 Francismovers@gmail.com11 Zaph Ave Scarborough, ON M1C 1M7 -
art appraisal & sales
Jaak Järve
Do you have artwork that you want to buy or sell? Free art appraisals.(416) 222-9445