Business directory
Businesses from and close to the community that you can trust.
Real Estate Sales Representative
Rob Saarna (CRA, B.A. Commerce & Economics)
Professional and reliable service for buying and selling real estate.Office: (416) 424-4900 — Personal: (416) 526 2080 robsaarna@royallepage.ca1391 Bayview Ave., Toronto M4G 3A6
lawyer & notary
Enn Allan Kuuskne, B.M., LL.B.
Reception by agreement at Eesti Maja or at the customer's home(416) 480-9582206-20 Holly St. Toronto, ON M4S 3B1
National Handicraft shops in Tallinn
Folk Art Gallery, handicraft goods for sale at 2 locations in Tallinninfo@crafts.eeEesti Käsitöö Maja, Pikk 22 ja Kaarmanni Käsitöö, Vanaturu kael 8
memorial design & manufacturing
Smith Monument Company Limited
(416) 769-0674349 Weston Rd, York, ON M6N 3P7 -
20 Finch Dental
(416) 225-5544 info@20finchdental.com20 Finch Ave W., North York ON M2N 6L1 -
Foodservice distributor
Viking Foods & Imports Inc.
(416) 696-7011 sales@vikingfoods.ca31 Railside Road Unit 5, Toronto, Ontario, M3A 1B2 -
Investment Advisor
Rein Lee
(416) 860-7758 rlee@researchcapital.com199 Bay Street Commerce Court West Suite 4500, Box 368 Toronto, ON M5L 1G2 -
Real Estate Sales Representative
Rob Saarna (CRA, B.A. Commerce & Economics)
Professional and reliable service for buying and selling real estate.Office: (416) 424-4900 — Personal: (416) 526 2080 robsaarna@royallepage.ca1391 Bayview Ave., Toronto M4G 3A6
cultural gifts store
The Finnish Place
(416) 222-7575 sales@finnishplace.com7670 Yonge Street Thornhill ON L4J 1W1 -
Personal Fitness Trainer
Fit Culture
We help with: Weight loss • Health issues • Nutrition counseling(905) 669-7500 info@fitculture.ca50 Viceroy Rd #17, Concord, ON L4K 3A7 -
Caterer & Restaurant
Masters Buffeteria Catering
(416) 924-7651310 Bloor St W, Toronto, ON M5S 1W4