Business directory
Businesses from and close to the community that you can trust.
Real Estate Sales Representative
Rob Saarna (CRA, B.A. Commerce & Economics)
Professional and reliable service for buying and selling real estate.Office: (416) 424-4900 — Personal: (416) 526 2080 robsaarna@royallepage.ca1391 Bayview Ave., Toronto M4G 3A6
Real Estate Sales Representative
Anne Leius
(416) 407 3959 anneleius@gmail.com1251 Yonge St. Toronto, Ontario M4T 1W6 -
lawyer & notary
Enn Allan Kuuskne, B.M., LL.B.
Reception by agreement at Eesti Maja or at the customer's home(416) 480-9582206-20 Holly St. Toronto, ON M4S 3B1
BrokerLink Insurance, Formerly Heinsoo Insurance Brokers Ltd.
416 461 0764 info@heinsooinsurance.ca365 Bloor St East, Suite 1610, Toronto ON, M4W 3L4 -
Humphrey Funeral Home
Aastakümnete kogemused eestlaste teenindamisel. Oskuslik nõuanne ja mõõdukad hinnad.(416) 487-4523 director@humphreymiles.com1403 Bayview Avenue, Toronto, ON M4G 3A8 -
event venue
Tartu College Event Space
Versatile venue for personal celebrations, formal and corporate events and community gatherings. Rentals from small get-togethers to grande events right in the heart of Toronto, steps from transit. Find more info at the link below!4169259405 events@tartucollege.ca3 Madison Avenue, Toronto -
National Handicraft shops in Tallinn
Folk Art Gallery, handicraft goods for sale at 2 locations in Tallinninfo@crafts.eeEesti Käsitöö Maja, Pikk 22 ja Kaarmanni Käsitöö, Vanaturu kael 8
European Fine Food store & Delicatessen
Vienna Fine Foods
(416) 759-4481 info@viennafinefoods.com1050 Birchmount Rd, Scarborough, M1K 1S4 -
Insurance broker
Merike Purje, RIB (Ont.), CAIB
(416) 775-9449 merikep@pbnet.ca3250 Bloor St W, East Tower, Ste 600, Toronto, ON -
Dessert Shop
The Sweet Gallery
(416) 232-1539 info@thesweetgallery.com350 Bering Avenue Etobicoke, ON M8Z 3A9 -
Floor installation
John's Flooring
(416) 284-0552 Dave@johnscarpet.com4593 Kingston Rd Scarborough, ON M1E 2P3 -
Distributing & printing
Accurate Distributing
(416) 429-9102 info@accuratedistributing.com31a Commercial Rd East York, ON M4G 1Z3 -
Hanuman Contracting, Inc
Majade ja suvilate ehitamine. Saunad, köögid, vannitoad, rõdud jm. Juurdeehitused ja remondid.(705) 228 8356 või (705) 380-1957 pptamm@interhop.netUdora, ON
Since 1944
Fenno Sauna
High-quality wood and electric sauna ovens directly from the manufacturer. Sauna items available and we offer all kind of repair work.905-475-2045 mitch@fenno.comEsna Park Dr.#6, Markham, Ont. L3R1H8