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Estonian Central Council in Canada
Nominations for Laas Leivat Award
Estonian Central Council in Canada has opened nominations for the 2025 Laas Leivat Award for outstanding contributions by youth to the Estonian-Canadian community. A nomination can be submitted by email before February 15th, -
Available for home help position
Keskealine naisterahvas otsib tööd KODUABILISE või HOOLDAJANA.
Pille647-409-3024 -
Ehatare Foundation
Kas tead mõnda vanemaealist, kes tunneb end üksildasena?
Korraldame telefonikone-ja külastusprogramme. Kui tead kedagi, kellele võiks sõbralik vestlus kasuks olla või kui soovid ise vabatahtlikuks tulla, siis palun vota meiega ühendust.647 799 1910 -
Back to school offer
50% off Eesti Elu digital subscriptions for students
Practice your Estonian and keep up to date with community
Sign up at the link below. -
Ööbik, T.E.A.S.
Segakoor Ööbik kutsub laulma
Join the Ööbik mixed choir for fun weekly practices and lively
Monday nights from 7-9 pm, beginning September 9th at Tartu College.