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Holiday Gift Guide
Gift subscription to Eesti Elu
A subscription to Eesti Elu / Estonian Life makes for an exceptional gift for all those who care about Estonian culture and language. Between December 6th, 2024 and January 15th, 2025, we have a special offer on subscriptions for all first-time subscribers and those whose subscriptions have expired at least three months ago. Print for $135 CAD (includes digital access). Digital only for $ -
Holiday Gift Guide
The Darkest Corner of the World - Historical novel
Urve Tamberg is delighted to announce that her historical novel, The Darkest Corner of the World, set in Estonia in 1941, is now available worldwide as both a print book and e-book. It’s a perfect gift for overseas family and friends, and is available to order directly from Amazon U.S.A., U.K., Australia, and -
Holiday Gift Guide
Handcrafted Wild Ceramics
Creating ceramic products is Mud Culture Studio, a studio built in 2021 by Ella Valge-Saar. Ella creates functional objects that assist in food and drink consumption, sharing, growing, and preserving. She sources as many materials as possible from the Columbia River watershed and nearby valleys. This locally-focused approach to collecting rocks, silts, and plants allows Ella to develop truly unique glazes and surfaces that are specific to the local -
Christmas Food Feature
Master’s Buffeteria
Master’s Buffeteria offers catered hot, cold, and traditional foods for all types of events and conferences. And it all comes at a reasonable price. Visit their website, and when you give them a call and ask for -
Christmas Food Feature
Christmas at Letts Shop
Letts Shop will once again be a convenient place to get Kalev chocolates and authentic sausages, made by Eddie’s Meat and Deli Market using Alar Soever’s recipe. This includes both verivorstid (blood sausages) and valged -
Christmas Food Feature
The Baltic Kitchen
The deadline for orders (email or call) is Saturday December 7th. Orders are deliverable for a fee, depending on location.1 519 591 1824 -
Christmas Food Feature
Susi’s Christmas Menu
Chef Susi Holmberg will be taking orders by email only. Orders must be placed by Monday December 16th, with payments by cash only and pickup taking place at the Latvian Canadian -
Available for home help position
Keskealine naisterahvas otsib tööd KODUABILISE või HOOLDAJANA.
Pille647-409-3024 -
Ehatare Foundation
Kas tead mõnda vanemaealist, kes tunneb end üksildasena?
Korraldame telefonikone-ja külastusprogramme. Kui tead kedagi, kellele võiks sõbralik vestlus kasuks olla või kui soovid ise vabatahtlikuks tulla, siis palun vota meiega ühendust.647 799 1910 -
Vaimulikud videomõtisklused ja otseülekanded (ka järelevaatamine) koguduse facebooki kodulehel: Toronto-Eesti-Evangeeliumi—Luteriusu-Vana-Andrese-Kogudus, ELCIC.