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Cooking with VEMU: Foods for Lent

In March 2021, Pastor Mart Salumäe shared some healthy dishes from his kitchen for the Lent season. Try your hand at these recipes yourself!

VEMU notes “Mart Salumäe [formerly of St. Peter's Estonian Lutheran Church in Toronto] grew up in the historic Kuusalu pastorate, where, in addition to Christian education, traditions of good cooking were also valued. The recipes offered this time come from the Lenten traditions of the former Kuusalu pastor's family.

Of course, over time, nuances resulting from the food maker's own taste preferences have been added to the old traditions. On the menu we have salmon soup with shrimp, pan steamed buckwheat with stewed carrots, fried mushrooms, raw turnip salad with mandarins and potted bread. Bon appetit!”


Mart Salumäe kasvas üles ajaloolises Kuusalu pastoraadis, kus väärtustati lisaks kristlikule kasvatusele ka hea toiduvalmistamise traditsioone. Seekord pakutavad retseptid on pärit just kunagise Kuusalu pastoripere paastuaja traditsioonidest. Loomulikult on vanadele traditsioonidele lisandunud aja jooksul ka toiduvalmistaja enda maitse-eelistustest tulenevaid nüansse. Selge leemega kalasupp, pannil hautatud tatar stoovitud porgandiga ja seentega ning järelroaks riivitud kaalikas magusate lisanditega.”

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