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Dear Fellow Estonians and friends of Estonia,

 We are very excited about our event  Los Angeles LEP  2017.

he response has been amazing. 
Passes are going very fast and we must remind our honored guest to purchase event passes right away. 
Many of you have ordered hotel rooms without the event pass. If you intend to come, please buy your pass as soon as you can because for the first time, these passes will sell out before the event starts.

In the past we had a ticket system that required many staff members to sell and monitor. This year it will only be event passes, pre-purchased online. 
This laminated pass will allow all of us to walk around freely without looking for and taking tickets.

We will not be set up to sell passes or any type of ticket at the event.

Please remind any friends that they too must sign up online and pre-order passes soon.


TEIE LEP 2017 toimkond

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