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Dear Member of the Estonian Community, Estonian House Board, and potential developer: September 24, 2015

We, the undersigned neighbourhood and community groups, bring to your attention a few key points.
We understand that the Estonian House Board is seeking a "similar redevelopment" to the previous proposal, namely a high-rise on the site. We recognize your right to seek a development that addresses your future needs. We recognize the Estonian House as our neighbour for 55 years, is a community hub not only for the Estonian community, but also for the broader community, contributing to our neighbourhood's cultural and social fabric.
Photo by Apple Maps App

We understand the pressures you are facing, however we ask that you consider the impact a large development such as yours might have on us. All of us signing this letter, and the more than one thousand people we represent, care what gets built on the Estonian House site, as on any other site in the area.

New high-rises do not belong in this area. Since June 2014, we have been participating in an extensive community consultation process as part of the City of Toronto's Broadview Avenue Planning Study (BAPS), which includes the Estonian House site. We support the BAPS' focus on mid-rise development. As stated in the “Avenues and Mid-Rise Building Study”, on which the BAPS is based: “The character of growth on the Avenues must recognize the unique connection to (the surrounding) neighbourhoods through a development form that is moderate in scale…The Avenues vision calls for beautiful treelined streets and sunlit sidewalks, framed by carefully articulated mid-rise buildings…”. Existing high-rises from the 1970s were part of ‘bad' planning in the distant past and are not precedents.

We are also attentive that only a small portion of the Estonian House site fronts an “Avenue”, that it is immediately adjacent to a 2-storey residential community at the mid and rear of the lot, and includes a heritage site, the Chester School. We are for thoughtful, community-driven, environmentally sensitive, ‘good' planning, considerate of the needs of the greater Broadview community and adjacent neighbourhoods, which will enhance our area, not detract from it.

As a united community, we've been and are open to work with the Estonian House Board, the Estonian community, and any potential developer, to ensure that any Estonian House redevelopment matches the vision of the city planning process for the BAPS, and the needs, wishes and other concerns of both our broader neighbourhood community and the Estonian community. On behalf of all the undersigned, you can reach us at:

Helliwell Place Residents' Association (HPRA)
Chester Hill, Cambridge, Thorncliffe Residents Association (CHCTRA) Playter Area Residents' Association (PARA)
Residents of Cambridge Avenue south

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