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EANC holds Annual Meeting

The Estonian American National Council held its annual meeting on September 14, 2013, at the Estonian Embassy in Washington DC. Featured agenda items were EANC's 2014 activities, which include its continued support for Estonian America youth organizations such as the boy scouts, girl guides and Long Island children's summer camp, and on the political front, financial and leadership support for the Joint Baltic American National Council (JBANC) and cooperation with the Central Eastern European Coalition. In addition, EANC has pledged support for Sky Films' documentary film about the Estonian Song Festival, "To Breathe As One." 
Viiu Vanderer of the Lakewood Estonian Society presents EANC President Marju Rink-Abel with a letter of appreciation at EANC’s Annual Meeting. Photo by Arved Plaks

Also discussed were the upcoming EANC elections to be held next year. EANC will be issuing more details about the elections in upcoming Vaba Eesti Sõna issues, as well as on its website,, and in future EANC newsletters. All Estonian Americans interested in furthering EANC's work should consider becoming a candidate for membership to the Council.

In recognition of its support in 2013, EANC has received three thank you's. At the annual meeting, Viiu Vanderer presented a framed thank you letter on behalf of The Lakewood Estonian Society. Aleksander Lamvol presented a card and hand-written letters from the Connecticut Estonian School's students who performed at LEP-ESTO in San Francisco, thanks to EANC's support . Earlier this year, The Nordic Press had given EANC a certificate thanking them for their support and cooperation, which has enabled Vaba Eesti Sõna to continue publishing.

Special guests at the September 14 meeting were JBANC Executive Director Karl Altau, who gave an update on JBANC's activities, and Ambassador Marina Kaljurand, who briefed attendees on the August 30 meeting between President Obama, President Ilves, Latvian President Andris Berzins and Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaite. More information about the meeting can be found on EANC's website,

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