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EGO 17th Annual Golf Tournament Report Saturday, September 28th , 2013

9:30 a.m. Jaak Jarve arrived at the St. Andrew's Valley Golf Course with Andres Jarve and Kariina Jarve to set up for this year's EGO Tournament. Banners were hung, awards and raffle prizes were set up in the dining hall. 2 kringels and 300 pirukat were brought in to the chef, Mark McKinnon. The weather was a typical pristine fall day, 22 degrees Celsius, a slight breeze with blue skies and intermittent clouds. Perfect.

10:00 a.m. Aili Wells, co-coordinator arrived with more raffle prizes and set up the registration table with Kariina Jarve.
Photo by Peeter Põldre

10:30 a.m. The first of 78 golfers arrived to register and partake in this year's golfing tournament. Each golfer received a loot bag and was treated to a coffee and some kringel.

11:00 a.m. Tõnu Kadai organizer for the putting contest arrived and started the first competitive event for the day.

11:30 a.m. Lunch was served. Sausages, hamburgers, green salad and pasta salads were offered for all of the participants.

12:30 p.m. The golfers were organized into a group picture by the 18th hole by Peeter Põldre- our tournament photographer.

12:45 p.m. Rob Pearce- St. Andrew's Valley Golf Director- Welcomed all of the golfers and went over the basic rules of play for the day. EGO president Jaak Järve, officially started the 17th Annual EGO Tournament and sent the parade of golf carts off to each hole for a 1:00 pm shotgun start.

6::00 p.m. After a challenging round of golf, with lots of imported A le Coq Beer, sprinkled with bursts of colourful swearing, the golfers were met in the dining hall with pirukad provided by Ulle Veltmann and the Estonian House Café.

7:00 p.m. Dinner was served to 85 participants, extra spouses and friends arrived to partake in the après golf day socializing. Dinner consisted of a 9 oz. NY Black Angus Striploin Steak with Green Peppercorn Sauce with a medley of fresh vegetables and roasted new potatoes.

During dinner, Jaak Jarve congratulated all the golfers and sponsors for their support this year. First and foremost, Aili Wells was a co-coordinator for this event, and helped in getting players, raffle prizes and the Texas Lone Star Restaurant to sponsor a hole this year, with free nachos and hot sauce for all the golfers. Jaak also thanked Mart Vompa and his daughter Larissa who served as spotters on the Hole-in-One hole for the Nissan Ultima vehicle which again went unclaimed this year.
Our thanks to Alta Nissan Richmond Hill for providing the car and driving it to the 11th hole, par 3.

Jaak also thanked Tõnu Kadai for running the putting contest this year.

Jaak acknowledged the sponsors this year, starting with the Estonian Foundation of Canada, Heinsoo Insurance, Estonian Credit Union, Tartu College, Envar & Sons Ltd.- General Contractors, Hillside Bakery, Estonian House Café, Murray E. Newbigging Funeral Home and Texas Lone Star Restaurant.

8:00 p.m. Prizes, trophies and raffle prizes were distributed among the participants. Peeter Toome invited all the guests to partake in his summer Collingwood Tournament
next year.

The Prizes and Trophies were distributed as follows:
Putting Contest:

  • Top Lady – Riina Klaas
  • Top Male – Oscar Kase
  • Hole 4- Closest to the Pin (Everybody) – Rob Holmes
  • Hole 5- Ladies Longest Drive – Kelly Stephens
  • Hole 6- Closest to the Pin- Ladies- no winner, Men- Thomas Vanaselja
  • Hole 10- Men's Longest Drive – Todd Lindstrom
  • Hole 11- Hole in One- 2013 Nissan Ultima- No winner this year.
  • Hole 12- Closest to the Case of A le Coq Beer- Andres Kolga
  • Hole 15- Closest to the Pin (Everybody) – Mark Pettinen
  • Hole 17- Closest to the Pin- Ladies- Dianne Vermeersch, Men- Andres Kolga
  • Hole 18- Straightest Drive- Peeter Põldre

Stroke Play Winners (Lowest Gross)
Ladies- No competitors


  • 1st Place- Jako Pettinen 98
  • 2nd Place- Peeter Põldre 102
  • 3rd Place- Jason Brooks 103

Most Honest golfer- Peeter Toome
(Due to the psychological trauma we could inflict upon Peeter's well-being
we have decided not to disclose his final score to the general public.)
We do have a prize for your courage and this will be awarded to you privately in a
discreet quiet ceremony away from the maddening crowd.

Scramble Play Winners ( Lowest Gross)
Category Ladies:

  • 1st Place – Aili Wells, Paula Sainthill, Kelly Stephens, Dianne Vermeersch 75
  • 2nd Place – Kristina Vohma, Anne Tõnisson, Kathy Põldre, Eneri Taul 86
  • 3rd Place- Maimu Schaer, Marlene Kuutan, Tiiu Tõnisson, Riina Klaas 92

Category Men:

  • 1st Place – Allan Liik, Mihkel Liik, Thomas Vanaselja 66
  • 2nd Place – Toomas Heinsoo, Larry Snider, Jaan Saun, Matt McKay 70
  • 3rd Place- Elmet Lindstrom, Kristjan Lindstrom, Mark Taylor, Todd Lindstrom 74

Category Mixed (Ladies, Men and Youths under 16 years of age):

  • 1st Place – Enn Varrik, Helle Varrik, Enn Vaher, Carmen Vaher 70
  • 2nd Place –Uno Jaason, Tiiu Jaason, Andres Kolga 75
  • 3rd Place- Kia Puhm, Peeter Poolsaar, Helen Gauthier, Dianne Dilley 79

Congratulations to all the winners this year, you deserved it.

Thank you to everybody who participated, sponsored and helped run the 17th EGO tournament this year.

A sincere thank you to the staff at St. Andrew's Valley Golf Club including pro Rob Pearce, Sean Hesketh and chef Mark McKinnon who ensured that the tournament ran so smoothly.

It was an excellent autumn day, good friends, good golf and a great day to be alive!

We will let everybody know when and where the next EGO Tournament will be held!
Till next year!

Jaak Järve, President EGO



See photo gallery from Peeter Põldre: PHOTO GALLERY – EGO 17


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