How is this funded? Through an annual membership fee, the collective cost can cover gallery space and some art show needs. Thanks to the generosity of Supporting Members, often non-artists and art patrons, EKKT can achieve many of the other goals. This year we recognize Supporting Members Peter Bulionis, Hele Gelzins, Mai Kirch, Riina Klaas, Heli Kopti, Vaike Külvet, Reet Marten Sehr, Mary Randsalu, Aino Raun, Robert Saarna, Hele-Mall Salusoo, Kaire Tensuda, Hilda Truupere, and Jaak Viirland.

Recently Robert Saarna commented, “while I'm not an artist myself, my daughter Kirsten is a very talented artist and as a result I've developed a greater appreciation for the effort, creativity and time that goes into creating a piece of work that others can enjoy and this why it is important to support arts organizations such as EKKT." If you would like to become a Supporting Member, or gift a Supporting Membership to a friend, consider the $60 well spent. Further information can be found by contacting Elva Palo at ekktartists@gmail.com, or call 289-259-9753.
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