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Estonian Centre Project Update – March 2019

The design development process for the new International Estonian Centre (IEC) is progressing smoothly, and the project team is gathering valuable information from ongoing consultations with organizations representing a broad range of interests in the Estonian community.

Two meetings were held last week to report back on refinements made to the centre’s design based on user group input during the first round of consultations.

The meetings included representatives from music, arts, film, theatre and business and special interest groups and clubs. Topics and needs discussed included space for performances and practices, acoustics, office space, technology, display space for artwork, parking, storage and accessibility issues.
The International Estonian Centre project team meets with representatives from community groups to report back on and discuss design details. (2019)

The Estonian community has a rich and broad range of interests, and there are a number of groups that are active and committed to advancing our culture and meeting community needs. The meetings with community user groups play an important role allowing as many voices as possible to be heard from during this phase of the design development.

The project team would like to thank all those who took the time to attend and provide this valuable and thoughtful input.

For more project information

• Check out our website – it is updated regularly:
• If you haven’t already done so, please sign up for our email newsletter.
• Follow us on Facebook: @EestiKeskus

Important reminder: Mark your calendar for March 27!

Please come to the Community Engagement Session on March 27 to learn about the latest design developments for the new IEC. The session will take place at the Estonian House, Crystal Hall, from 7 – 8.30 p.m. The project team, including architect Alar Kongats, will present details on how the design process is progressing.

If you can’t attend in person, tune in to the meeting live via Facebook at 7 p.m. on March 27. Go to @EestiKeskus and be part of the action. You can submit your questions during the session via Facebook as well.

For more project information

• Check out our website – it is updated regularly:
• If you haven’t already done so, please sign up for our email newsletter.
• Follow us on Facebook: @EestiKeskus

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