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Estonian Folk Dancers christmas performances

Picture: top l-r choir: Lembit Jõgi, Mart Kuhn, Juhan Raidma, Peter Anniko, Iira Reimann, Kaja Weeks, Silvi Valge, Pia Salmre, Tjorven Hairfield. Dancers l-r: Arney Smits, Toomas Parratt, Deborah Klepp, Jyri Erik Kork, Age Landra Robinson, Jeff Zelek, Kadri Kallas Zelek, Laila Oinas.

On a snowy Saturday, December 9, 2017, Pillerkaar Estonian Folk Dancers of the Washington DC Metro Area and the Baltimore-Washingtoni Eesti Segakoor (mixed choir) ushered in the holiday spirit with a joint performance at the 5th Annual Christmas Village in Baltimore's Inner Harbor. Visitors to the German-style Christmas Market were delighted by a variety of dances, from the traditional “Külavalss” (Village Waltz) and “Reilender” (Reel Dance) to the more modern “Kungla Polka” (Kungla’s Polka) and “Kosjalugu” (A Courting Tale). The choir performed holiday classics “Oh, kuusepuu” (Oh Christmas Tree), “Jõuluvalgus” (The Light of Christmas), and “Aisakell” (Jingle Bells) as well as Curly Strings' “Kauges Kulas” (In the Far Away Village). Highlighting this performance was a combined choir and dancers’ rendition of “Kanga kudumine” (Spinning Yarn) and “Tuljak” (Wedding Dance) as well as a special Christmas performance of “Õige ja vasemba” (Grand Right and Left) to the music of “Welcome Christmas” from the original “How the Grinch Stole Christmas!” As an extra treat, Pillerkaar brought piparkoogid (gingerbread cookies) for the audience to sample a traditional Estonian baked item.

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