For one thing, participants spend time with members from other fraternities that they wouldn’t normally interact with in a fraternal context. After all, Eesti Korporatsioonide Liit is a union of Estonian men’s korporatsioonid (fraternities). That is: Vironia, Fraternitas Estica, Sakala, Rotalia, Ugala, Fraternitas Liviensis, Leola, Revelia, Tehnola, and Fraternitas Tartuensis. This listing is in order from the oldest to newest, with founding dates between 1900 and 1929.
The purpose of the EKL! Kommerss is to bring together these fraternity brothers once a year in a celebration of their common origins and goals.
Each year, the presiding (presideeriv) korporatsioon rotates, with organizing the annual EKL! kommerss and other joint activities throughout the year being the primary responsibility. In fact, it’s a tradition that each fraternity honours the major anniversaries of their fellow fraternities in a demonstration of friendship. The purpose of the EKL! Kommerss is to bring together these fraternity brothers once a year in a celebration of their common origins and goals.
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