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Eesti Maja teade / Estonian House Announcement

Toronto Eesti Maja juhatuse tähelepanule on toodud rahahanke aktsioon Eesti Maja katuse ümberehitamise projekti nimel.

Juhatusele on ka jõudnud teave, et rahalisi annetusi on tehtud selle nimel Toronto Eesti Ühispanga juures olevale kontole arusaamisega, et need annetused on määratud katuse ümberehitamiseks. Katuse ümberehituse projekt pole heaks kiidetud Toronto Eesti Maja juhatuse poolt ja eelnimetatud panga konto pole Eesti Maja halduses.

Loodame mõistvale suhtumisele, et kuni Toronto Eesti Maja tuleviku plaanid on kinnitatud, on kapitaalremont välistatud. Töötame usinasti tuleviku strateegia kallal ning loodame juba väga peatselt meie kogukonda kurssi tuua mis on teoksil olnud. Selleks on vaja reservi varuda abi ja toetust.
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The Board of the Estonian House in Toronto has become aware of a fundraising effort that is seeking to raise funds for a major renovation of the Estonian House roof.

We understand that some people have made donations to a bank account at the Toronto Estonian Credit Union with the understanding they will be applied to this major roof renovation. This is not an initiative that has been approved by the Board nor is this account under the control of the Estonian House Board.

While we always welcome donations made to the Estonian House directly, we hope you can understand that we cannot at this time commit to undertaking a major capital roof repair. As we have previously reported, we are currently working through our future strategy. Stay tuned for an announcement very soon on how you can help.

AS Toronto Eesti Maja juhatus / The Board of Directors of the Estonian House in Toronto Ltd.

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