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Estonian House information re: OMB pre-hearing

On April 26th a pre-hearing took place at the Ontario Municipal Board regarding an appeal against enacting Official Plan Amendment No. 343 into law through the passing of By-law 555-2016. OPA 343 is meant to implement the Broadview Avenue Study that was undertaken by the City of Toronto Planning Department primarily in 2015 and completed in 2016. The Planning Study attempts to control the amount of building density along Broadview Avenue between Danforth Avenue and Bater Avenue by limiting the area to mid-rise buildings. The Board of the Estonian House has engaged in this process to preserve its property value by protecting the House's future property rights.

The proceedings at the OMB are being overseen by Board Member Karlene Hussey. The City of Toronto Planning Department is being represented by an in-house City staff lawyer. There are three appellants (the organizations who are objecting to the amendment) involved; Gordian Foods Limited, The Salvation Army in Canada and The Estonian House in Toronto Limited. Helliwell Place Residents Association and Chester Hill Residents Association have obtained Party status to the proceedings. These are organizations that are not objecting to the amendment but want full rights to participate in hearings.
Toronto Eesti Maja (2013)

Eleven Participants are also registered. These are entities, mostly individual residents, which will be entitled to register a formal statement at the hearing but otherwise will have no further rights within the proceedings.

It was decided that a single 10 day hearing for all three appellants would be sufficient to resolve the issues that are before the Board. The hearing was scheduled for April 9 through April 20 2018. It was also decided that a second pre-hearing conference to discuss procedural order and to present issues lists would be scheduled for November 23, 2017. Both events will be held at the OMB offices.

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