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@Estonian House *We did what was needed!*

This summer volunteers were working hard at the Estonian House making the basement shine with fresh paint. The Estonian School received a donation to spruce up the classrooms and we were delighted to join in to carry out the work.

We started with classroom nr. 9, emptying all the cabinets, books, old materials and accumulated junk, and then removed the old carpet. The most difficult part was choosing the colours and materials. We researched options on the internet, bought samples and asked everyone who came by for opinions and input.

We had lots of enthusiastic helpers, which made the efforts enjoyable, and we managed to do more: we painted classrooms 10 and 11, the gallery hallway, and also the other basement walls that have been craving a fresh coat of paint. New baseboards were installed and repairs made. Come and see the results!

We are especially grateful for professionals who donated their expertise and time: Rick Hutchings (painting) and Armand Leppik (flooring installation) and to our hard workers: Maret Kapp, Ester Kivi, Erika Jõgi, Linda Soolepp, Emma Soolepp, Rein Kuris, Roul Martjak, Victoria Hutchings, Monica Hutchings, Silvia Vaikla, Genevieve Perron, Ingrid Jaenes, Katariina Jaenes, Kristiina Valter, Annaliisa McConville, Seliina McConville, Nelli Hubel. Thus our team members ranged from age 14 through to the older generation.

Töökad talgulised Genevieve, Monika, Annaliisa, Victoria, Silvia, Linda, Erika, Rick värvisid uueks keldrikorruse galeriikoridori ja lauad-toolid klassiruumides. Foto: Kristiina Valter (2016)

We will continue to work and make the place even nicer. If you would like to help, please write: or call 416-419-9507 if you would like to join us!


FOTOD – Kristiina Valter (2016)


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