Their project (CHEM044T) involves studying Grignard reactions to determine the best metal and quantities of chemicals needed to mechanochemically alter trichloropropane, so that as much end product as possible could be produced.
(A demonstration of a Grignard reaction can be viewed on University of Wisconsin organic chemist Professor Brant Kedrowski's YouTube channel.)
As mentioned in their abstract “In modern times reducing pollution in air, drinking water, and soil has become a big challenge and converting to more environmentally friendly chemical reactions helps solve the issue. In most cases solvents used in reactions are toxic and polluting. For many years there have been attempts to find new ways to convert toxic chemicals into useful products without being wasteful. The main objectives of the study were to use Grignard reactions to mechanochemically alter trichloropropane which had been rarely used before and to find more effective ways to perform the reaction...”
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