(Part one of the series starts here)
Walter Kohn and his colleagues, in particular professor Lu Sham, made it possible for me to get back into research and I started publishing again.
I stayed at UCSD for one and a half years until the end of 1972. I made several trips back to Toronto and met Kristina Linde, my future wife. We were married on March 24, 1972 in La Jolla. Kristina was teaching high school in Toronto at the time. She went back to Toronto to finish her teaching duties and then joined me in San Diego. Walter Kohn commented that “I got married en passant.”
We made many friends in San Diego and keep in touch with Georgina and Lu Sham to this day. Lu Sham recommended me to his contacts at Bell Laboratories and I was offered a job at the Bell Labs Holmdel facility in central New Jersey. We took our red Volkswagen and drove to New Jersey in December 1972.
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