Having served on the Seedrioru Board of Directors twice, I know that being a board member is a volunteer position with 50 plus items in the job description, and no matter what position you take on, the to-do list is endless.
Many thanks to our fearless leaders: Kristiina Nieländer Hildebrandt, Eerik Aljas, Nick Hilkewich, Rein Pertens, Madis Tambre, Michelle Gray, Josh Tera, and Lia Hess, for all of your hard work before, during and after this epic event. It’s so wonderful to see the next generation stepping up to the Board and looking at Seedrioru with the tulevik (future) in mind.
At Seedrioru, there are päkapikud (elves) that live among us who go above and beyond and do whatever needs doing… done! We are so fortunate to have an on-site community who quietly go about their business keeping Seedrioru stunningly beautiful. They’re often in the shadows and deserve our ongoing respect and heartfelt thanks. So the next time you see one, or all of them, please offer up your thanks to: Trevor Crossman, Linda Paluveer, Uno and Luule Tiisler, Mark Vist, Elmo Rutnik, Elmo Pint, Allan, Monica, and Max Luiker, Hillary Amolins, Erik Hess, Rudy Zutis, Anneli Segura, and Lembit Nieländer.
The pool, the grounds, getting the lõke (bonfire) set up; anything that needed setting up — they were there. Leading up to Suvihari, preparations for this event were already in full swing starting in January!
For advertising and collecting items for the Bazaar, Esto Boutique, and Silent Auction – huge thanks to Rutti Yalle, Silvia Aarlaht, Allan Pertens, and Karen Must for running all over Southern Ontario to pick up whatever we could, to sell in order to make money for the lapsed (children). Alati laste heaks! Many hands make for light work, which was the case when rolling all of the Bazaar tickets (and the blanks). Thanks to the team mentioned above, as well as Linda Paluveer and Evi Pertens.

You can’t get into Seedrioru for a fabulous weekend unless you have a team of gatekeepers. A special “aitäh” (thank you) to Vello Petraska who came all the way from Sweden to man the gate Friday night and all day on Saturday! Rein Pertens and Nick Hilkewich coordinated the volunteers, some who come back year after year, to welcome guests at the gate. We’d like to thank: Krista and Andy Heap, Linda Montgomery, Lia Sarafian, and Rutti and Farzin Yalle who show up, rain or shine, to welcome us all to our second home.
A thank you also goes this year to Krista Eichenbaum, Mik Montgomery, Kaila Montgomery and Alex Roth, Rein Pertens, Madis Tambre, Vanessa Kaljaste and her husband, Kaili and Nick Hilkewich, and Jackson Braun.
Every year we can count on Jaak Järve to put on a chess extravaganza on Saturday, where we see many generations taking up the challenge. For example, fathers playing their children and grandchildren. A great time was had by all, and chess is a favourite activity with our campers too, as Jaak gives of his time to come weekly to Seedrioru laager (camp) to teach chess and art. Thank you again Jaak for documenting this special event with your astounding pictures. You captured boundless joy, evident in every picture!

On Saturday, we had a robust offering of shopping opportunities at the Bazaar, Esto Boutique, and Silent Auction. We had over 60 donors that gave generously for all of these “store” offerings: everything from delectable drinks to jewelry, crystal, golf packages, and of course all things Esto. Everything from nukud (dolls) to linikud (linens), from leatherwork goods to rahvariided (traditional costumes). Thank you to the following people for their generous donations: Ethel Pähk, Rita and Veljo Laur, Allan Pertens, Merike Koger, Karen and Toomas Must, Eero and Sarah Teene, Lydia Quad, Allan and Monika Luiker, Heli Stephenson, Kristiina Aasa Milne and Andrew Milne, Sylvia Jaago, Linda Paluveer, Jaak Järve, Evi Aasa and John Breton, Kristiina and Brian Hildebrandt, Uno and Luule Tiisler, Harry and Kathie Must, Krista and Alex Alexopoulos, Anneli Segura and Lembit Nieländer, Silvia Aarlaht and Peter Tomson, Evi and Agu Pertens, Mark Vist, Linda Montgomery, Lia Sarafian, Evelyn Eichenbaum, Karen and Martin Ahermaa, Evy Beraldo, Karl and Heidi Otsa, Katrin Rannu, Erich Nõmm, Aimee Ellerbusch and Alex Kärner, Eva Ivanov, Kai Virkus, Maret Sepa, Leena Jaanimägi and John Vickers, Lisa Maavara, Rutti and Farzin Yalle, Krista Koger, John and Peggy Aarlaht, Anita Zutis, Mari Kimsto, Leena Kimsto, Heidi Plinte, Lillian Saar, Kai-Lii Veer, Mai Põvvat, Virve Aljas, Tiina Coverdale, Anne Remmel, Lembitu Ristsoo and Leena Tinits, Lia and Erik Hess, Kadri Munro and Lilika from Chicago, AKEN, TEPP, Hamiltoni Eesti Selts, Kitcheneri Eesti Selts, and St. Catharines’i Eesti Selts.
Drumroll please…! Over $7,000 was raised in total from these vendors. A huge thanks to our dedicated sellers: Rutti Yalle, Allan Pertens, Silvia Aarlaht, Karen Must, Mai Põvvat, and Leena Jaanimägi. Laste Heaks!
No Estonian event would be complete without delicious food. The Estonian Choir was wined and dined by the volunteer efforts of Toomas and Merike Koger with help from Evy Beraldo and Krista Koger on Friday night.
A huge thanks again to Susi Holmberg and her volunteer team: Joanna Maris Piibe, Margit Nõmmsalu, Kadri Munro, Krista Heap, Lilika from Chicago and Grace Workman.

The last four ladies saw a need and rolled up their sleeves and pitched in on the spot! And of course, no meal is complete without delicious kringel! Rutti Yalle had a vision to make kringlid to sell, along with her merry band of kringel bakers who donated their delicious baking for all to enjoy: Rutti Yalle, Karen Must, Kati Otsa, Kathie Must, Evi Pertens, and Lia Sarafian.
And let’s not forget about those yummy late night snacks served up by: Michelle Gray, Madis Tambre and Aleksa and Helga Del Castillo, and Eerik and Sarah Aljas, for pitching in and serving into the wee hours of the night!
Big thanks must also go to Linda Paluveer and Allan Pertens who not only offered up a lovely pancake breakfast on Canada Day, but continued to feed the choirs until Wednesday. Our Estonian guests were so grateful and offered words of appreciation and kindness on a daily basis.
As you can well see, the whole Seedrioru community came together to do what it took to make things happen. It is astounding that after 69 years, we continue to work together, for the children, so our future generations can enjoy this magical place and lifelong friendships continue to grow.
Let us take a long pause to revel in the memories made at the event that just was — Suvihari Laulupidu IX. It’s hard to imagine it without happy tears in our eyes… the fellowship in song, the laughter, the pride of culture and community. Let us never take for granted the beauty of this place, but most importantly, the strongest bonds of friends that have been forged for decades that we share and will continue to share.
Elagu Seedrioru!