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A Successful Year for the Estonian Foundation of Canada!

Tribute paid to Donors, Volunteers, Staff and Directors.

On Monday March 21 of this year, the Estonian Foundation of Canada (EFC) hosted its Annual Members' Meeting in the Crystal Hall of the Toronto Estonian House. The Board of Directors presented a summary of last year's activities and shared its plans for the year ahead.

EFC President, Eva Varangu, chaired the meeting. She welcomed all in attendance and introduced her colleagues on the EFC Board of Directors. The President also introduced EFC's recently recruited Office Administrator, Liis Teedla. Quorum was confirmed to be in excess of 50% of the members, attending in person or by proxy.

Because the Foundation depends entirely on generous donations from community members and returns from its own investments, the first presenter was EFC Treasurer, Toomas Kütti, delivering the 2015 financial results. His comprehensive summary included discussion of annual revenues ($391,930) and expenses ($517,941), highlighting that most EFC revenue is channeled into Canadian-Estonian communities across Canada. However as revenues decline, the EFC continues its comprehensive review of all community funding requests to ensure that grants deliver the best possible results for the long-term. Efficiencies and savings will continue to be pursued in operations and administration.
Recognition and gratitude expressed to departing EFC Board member, Merli Tamtik. Dr. Tamtik was recently appointed to professorship at the University of Manitoba in Winnipeg. Left to right: Eva Varangu (President EFC), Merli Tamtik, Lia Hess (Director EFC) - photo by Taavi Tamtik (2016)

Estonian Foundation of Canada’s Annual Members’ Meeting, where departing Board member, Marcus Kolga, is extending his thanks and his appreciation to the EFC and its volunteer Board of Directors - photo by Taavi Tamtik (2016)
The Board proposed that external auditor, Toomas Koger CPA, be re-appointed for 2016 and the members approved. The Board also proposed a By-Law revision, setting quorum for Annual Members' Meetings at 20 members, in person or by proxy. This revision conforms to best practices. It also greatly reduces current organizational challenges to ensure that a majority of EFC members be present for Annual Meetings. This proposal was also approved and will likely foster greater EFC membership in upcoming years.

Terms of three EFC Directors expired this year. The Board nominated current Director Peeter Põldre for re-election, and also nominated two new candidates, Elli Kipper and Katrin Roop, for election to the EFC Board. They are to replace retiring EFC Directors Marcus Kolga and Merli Tamtik. Membership approved all three by acclamation and each will serve a three-year term.

Merli Tamtik introduced the EFC Annual Scholarship Program, whereby the Foundation supports post-secondary studies of Estonian-Canadian youth who are actively engaged in our cultural and heritage community programs. The 2015 winners are: Kristen Dobbin, Hanna Kiviloo, Ashley Lennox, Viive Sarv, Madli Vahtra and Heli Vanaselja.

Director Peter Põldre paid tribute to members of our community who had been honoured with memorial donations to the EFC, often in lieu of flowers at funerals. Members stood for a moment of respect and gratitude. He also acknowledged and thanked those who had encouraged donations to the EFC, in lieu of receiving personal birthday or anniversary gifts in the year gone by.

President Eva Varangu wrapped up the formalities with her remarks, which gave a clear and thorough overview of the Foundation's activities in 2015. In particular, she thanked all donors, EFC members, community volunteers and the various organizations with which the EFC worked co-operatively this past year.

The EFC honours its major donors in a variety of ways, among them via the EFC Donor Wall, located in the foyer of the Toronto Estonian House. This year seven new bronze-level blades were added to the wall. Honourees included: Tõnu and Anne Altosaar, Ene-Liis Martens, Anu Jõe, Lya Ilves, Malle Hanslep, Esther Kalkis, Eva Varangu and Peter Kopvillem. In addition, numerous donors were promoted to the highest diamond level category.

In closing, Eva Varangu paid special tribute to departing EFC Directors Merli Tamtik and Marcus Kolga. Each was presented flowers and a certificate of recognition. She also honoured EFC Administrative Staff, Maimu Mölder and Killi Mirka, with flowers and certificates of recognition for their dedication and work during their years with the EFC.

The meeting was adjourned and all were encouraged to visit the Donor Wall in the adjacent lobby area. Thereafter everyone was invited to partake in refreshments and conversation in the social hour that followed.

Merli Tamtik

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