Telli Menüü

An optimistic future for Seedrioru

As most people undoubtedly know, traditional summer camp at Seedrioru is cancelled this year due to Covid-19. Which is really a shame, as Seedrioru camp grounds have witnessed a great revival during the past 5 years. Thanks to a large infusion of cash from the incredibly generous Tark estate, the need to upgrade to new government standards, capable leadership by the board along with generous help from other volunteers, Seedrioru started a large scale sewer/water project 5 years ago to improve the camp and the surrounding cottages. While understandably this is not a glamorous project comparable to a new swimming pool or sauna, it is nevertheless vital and necessary infrastructure without which the continuing operations of Seedrioru would not be possible.
Pigroast (2019)

Most of the work of this large scale project has been completed, what remains are only finishing touches. But more importantly, thanks to the hope and excitement that this large project brought about, several other, smaller projects at Seedrioru have also been started and/or completed. Seedrioru Saun has been completely rebuilt using Seedrioru’s own cedars, a new beautiful comfort station with up to date shower and bathroom facilities has been assembled from made-in-Estonia materials and is 99% completed, mudilaste playground is rebuilt, TEPP lasketiir is active and operational with its beautifully renovated range building, complete rebuild of the swimming docks have been started and renovation of the tared is also underway. For seasonal residents, the sewage infrastructure projects also mean getting up-to-date facilities to individual cottages.

Unfortunately, Covid-19 has led to cancellation of talgud and many of the near completed projects remain unfinished or are being finished with revised timelines. Former Seedrioru President Eric Tiisler, had this to say, “Seedrioru is suffering from restrictions brought on by the pandemic, like everyone else. I am glad to say that major capital improvements at Seedrioru including the site-wide sewage system and the new washroom and shower facility are 90% done. In the last few years much work has been done to adapt and upgrade our facilities to meet current needs and standards while continuing the legacy started by our grandfathers. Seedrioru is first and foremost for the kids. For their benefit, the sleeping cabins have received upgrades in flooring, windows, doors, fire alarms, additional washrooms and new roofs. People are responding, camp enrolment is up, as is (pandemic limitations not withstanding) volunteer participation, the energy from the community is surging. Elagu Seedrioru!”

Updates regarding evolving plans for talgud, day camp and other activities at Seedrioru can be found by following or Seedrioru Facebook page.

uvihari 2018 participants enjoying sunny day. Newly renovated saun in the background

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