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Be A Candidate for The Estonian Central Council in Canada, and Help Advocate on Behalf of Our community

TORONTO - Candidate nominations for the 2019 Estonian Central Council in Canada national elections are now open with forms available online at: www.estoniancouncil.ca


The Estonian Central Council in Canada represents and advocates for the interests of all Canadians of Estonian heritage in Canada and beyond. The Council is elected every four years in national elections. This year’s election will be held over a one month period between December 5, 2019 - January 5, 2020 both online, and in polling locations in major cities across Canada.


The Estonian Central Council encourages all community members to consider serving our community as a representative on the council, and to lend your voice and ideas to advocate for our community and its volunteer organizations.


EKN has a strong and respected voice in Ottawa, in our provincial capitals and cities across Canada. With the strong partnerships that have been developed with other global Estonian communities in USA, Sweden, Australia, The United Kingdom, Latvia and beyond, our community has more opportunities than ever before to help build and reinvigorate our global community, and to foster greater understanding and cooperation with the Estonian government and our compatriots around the world.


Working with our global partners, EKN was proud to lead the global Estonian community effort to establish the Estonian Government Committee for Global Estonian affairs – a historically and critically important new forum to discuss our community issues with the Estonian government.


The deadline to submit your candidate nomination form is January 14, 2020. Candidates are only required to demonstrate that they are of Estonian heritage, whether through a parent or grandparents.


Help serve your community by being a candidate for EKN in 2020!


 Voters, who are at least 18 years of age as of January 2020 can register online here!


Candidate qualifications for EKN/ECC election


  • Candidate qualifications for EKN/ECC election, based on current By-Laws and other official documents:
    Minimum age 21 by Jan 5, 2020
  • Has at least one parent who is Estonian, or is married to an Estonian, or has Estonian citizenship
  • Agrees in writing to participate in volunteer work towards achieving the goals of EKN/ECC as specified in the By-laws and other official documents during the elected four year term
  • Agrees to attend all Full Assembly meetings plus all Board meetings if appointed to the Board, with the understanding that unexcused missing of three meetings is grounds for dismissal and the member will be replaced. Participating at a meeting via Internet counts as attending the meeting
  • Provides written or email nominations from three Estonians.



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