These slices of malicious code, concealed in PowerPoint files hijacked over 160 gigabytes of information.”
“Analysts soon learned that the attack had been launched from within the Fourth Department of the People's Liberation Army, which is in charge of Chinese electronic intelligence. In the following weeks word leaked out that similar attacks had occurred in England and France.”
“Despite all that there were no public accusations against China. China denied vague suggestions that the army was involved. The virus trail had passed though China.”
Canada created a Canadian Cyber Incident Response Centre (CCIRC) in 2007 but at the end of 2008 it only had a total of seven employees, no web site and a mention in the Ministry of Public Safety.
The authors mention that not just big nations are after Canada, small ones like the Phillipines have penetrated two Canadian communication companies. They were searching for money embezzled by ex-President Ferdinand Marcos when he fled to Hawaii in 1989.
Estonians are no threat to Canada.
Adu Raudkivi